Publisher: Academic Publishing House Researcher s.r.o.
Country : Slovakia
Frequency : Halfyerly(2 issues/year)
About Journal :
Electronic issue "European Journal of Economic Studies" – is a general economic theoretical and scientific-practical edition. The journal’s mission is to publish high-quality original studies in economic fields. The journal discusses the current issues of the world economy, management, budgetary system and fiscal policy, harmonization of tax relations, tax competition, banking laws, securities market, insurance, accounting, audit, and economic analysis.
The journal’s objective is the extending the spheres of influence of information resources on contemporary developments in the scientific area, the lighting of research results by national and foreign scientists, promoting the development of economic science and applied research and teaching. Implementing an open-access policy to scientific publications, the journal contributes to the improvement of scientific information exchange, and, therefore, to the efficiency of scientific activity of its authors.