Journal Details

Sosyolojik Bağlam Dergisi/ Journal of Sociological Context

  • ISSN(e) : 2757-5942
Publication Language : Turkish, English
Publisher: Suat KOLUKIRIK
Country : Turkey
Frequency : 0

About Journal :
Sociological Context is an interdisciplinary, open access and international peer-reviewed online journal that examines social events and phenomena and publishes research and articles dealing with original issues. The main goal is to contribute to the knowledge in the field of social sciences by publishing scientific studies with an interdisciplinary approach. Our journal, which started its publication life on December 1, 2020, is published triquarterly in April, August and December. Studies submitted for publication to the journal must not have been published elsewhere before. The acceptance of the symposium papers that have not been published as a book is possible provided that this condition is provided. Articles must be submitted in accordance with the article template format, otherwise the articles will not be evaluated. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. If deemed necessary, articles in other languages ​​may be accepted. Sociological Context is archived using EYDeS services provided by National Library of Turkey. No article processing fee or article submission fee are requested from the authors. Sociological Context is a periodical and interdisciplinary publication that aims to bring together researchers, academics and practitioners who take social phenomena and processes into consideration by emphasizing the importance of large-scale participation in the investigation and solution of social problems. The journal publishes original articles, research notes, translated texts and book reviews that discuss, question, examine theoretically, methodically, applied and historically produced developments, processes and problems at global, regional and local levels. Research or articles covering fields such as Sociology, Economics, Political Science and Public Administration, Educational Sciences, History, Geography, Literature, Law, Tourism, Communication, Fine Arts, and Theology are within the scope of the journal’s publication.

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Under Evaluation
Global Journal Ranking
Under Evaluation
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