Journal indexing plays an important role in every journal. So we will understand Why to index your Journal in IJIFactor.
Why to index your Journal in IJIFactor?
IJIFACTOR is one of the largest publicly available non-profit digital databases of the top peer-reviewed Journals, Scientific literature, books, and conference proceedings across the globe.
Supporting Open Source publication
As a global journal indexing agency IJIFACTOR supports the Open access publications. This not only helps the research community but also improves the research quality. Open access publication is a sustainable model for many popular journals.
Increased Reputation and traffic to your journal
Indexing in IJIFACTOR increases the traffic to your journal because this increases the worldwide presence.
Every day thousands of researchers find and search their desire journals with the IJIFACTOR. So after inclusion, the journal with the IJIAFCTOR master list increases the traffic to your Journal.
Promoting Quality research
To maintain the high quality, IJIFACTOR introduced the 20 point criteria system in 2018. This is a very advanced technique and unique of its kind to check the quality of journals. This encourages the publishers to maintain the quality of the journals and publish high-quality research works.
Often researchers and authors check the IJIFACTOR Indexing of journal for publishing their papers. This qualitative measure reflects as the Global Ranking provided by IJIFACTOR and IJIFCTOR value.
Makes an Impact.
For maintaining the best practice more than 300 Global journal publishers index their journals in the IJIFACTOR. This not only helps the journal publishers to learn the best practice but also keep motivate the publishers to maintain the high quality.
Journal indexed in IJIFACTOR gain the prestige as well as the recognization for maintaining the high-quality global publication standard.
Final words
IJIFACTOR Indexing is one of the largest databases for Scholarly Journals and the best place to find the quality journals to publish your research paper and learn. So that’s why to index your Journal in IJIFactor.