IJIFACTOR has always been emphasizing on the quality of the journals and has introduced advanced 20-point criteria to evaluate the journal and include in the Master list to increase the Quality of IJIFACTOR Indexed journals
IJIFACTOR rejects the journals which have a lack of peer review process. Which means that the journal which emphasizes publication ethics and maintains high standard gets indexed in the IJIFACTOR indexing list.
In 2018 IJIFACTOR introduced the 20 point criteria system. This is a very advanced technique and unique of its kind to check the quality of journals. Many of the journals fail to qualify the criteria.
So this takes a long time to include the indexing list. This ensures to provide a list of high-quality journals for the betterment of the research and innovation.
After introducing the 20 point system the peer review system has been the key criteria for judge of the journals. So the aspect of quality peer review weighs heavily in the assessment of the quality of journals.
Why many journals do not get Indexed?
After implementing the 20 point system the evaluation process gets hard and any journal which fails to satisfy the criteria gets rejection mail from IJIFACTOR. This shows the commitment for the indexing high quality of journals in the Indexing list.
Must read: How IJIFACTOR helps scholars to find the right Journal
How you could help us?
As the user of our service, if you still find any particular journal indexed in our database having a quality issue or should not be in our list then, you are most welcome to suggest us with the proof. We guaranty you to take necessary action against the journal if we found it’s true after our investigation.
This little step of yours could help us and our research community to maintain a high standard of publishing papers and maintain the journal quality. We also assure your identity not to disclose to anyone.
Future plans of IJIFACTOR to index high-quality journals.
As we discussed we have implemented the 20-point criteria and the peer review system we are also going to introduce more system to ensure the quality journals get indexed in IJIFACTOR.
So this all about the quality of IJIFACTOR Indexed journals and the recent steps taken the IJIFACTOR management to index high-quality journals.
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